Cancers that affect the oral cavity can originate in various parts of the mouth. The most common types of oral cancers include: Squamous Cell Carcinoma: This is the most prevalent type of oral cancer. It typically begins in the thin, flat cells (squamous cells) lining the lips, mouth, tongue, and throat. Oral Tongue Cancer: This specifically refers to cancer that originates on the oral tongue, which is the visible part of the tongue. Floor of the Mouth Cancer: This type of cancer occurs on the bottom of the mouth, beneath the tongue. # Mouth Cancer Action Gum Cancer: Cancer can also develop in the gums, where it may be associated with irritation or inflammation. Palate Cancer: This involves cancer of the hard palate (the bony front part of the roof of the mouth) or the soft palate (the muscular back part). Lip Cancer: Cancer can affect the upper or lower lip, often associated with sun exposure. Cheek Cancer: While less common, cancer can develop in the inner lining of the ...
Dental Hygienist Journey Around Oral Health World